We have received reports about a scammer selling online of RUSTY LOPEZ PRODUCTS or unscrupulous person impersonating customer support staff of Rusty Lopez asking for unauthorized orders and asking for payments, deposits prior to deliver the ordered items.

Please be informed that such transactions are fraudulent, illegal, and in no way approved by the Rusty Lopez Management.

Please note that Rusty Lopez and its online ordering process is done via official channels accounts only, without requiring advance payment and other charges.

We would like to remind the public that Rusty Lopez will never request such outside our official Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/Rustylopezofficial and RL Website- www.rustylopez.com

To verify the authenticity of online ordering transaction, please feel free to reach us at (02) 997 5170 and (02) 529 4397

Please be vigilant against such fraudulent activities. Below is the link of the DEFRAUDER FACEBOOK PAGE.